Shell Rimula R4 X 15w-40

The Price of Shell Rimula R4 X 15W-40 of is ₹ 160/Litre. Buy Shell Rimula R4 X 15W-40 from Kannu International. Get Shell Rimula R4 X 15W-40 details here offered by Kannu International.

Shell Rimula R4 X 15W-40 (USA, Shell Rotella T Triple Protection 15W-40) Shell Rimula R4 L 15W-40 (low-SAPS) (USA, Shell Rotella T3 15W-40) Shell Rimula R6 M 10W-40 (synthetic) (USA, Shell Rotella T6 5W-40) High-performance engine oil for highly rated high-speed diesel engines that meet the latest API and ACEA specifications. • Suitable for engines burning distillate fuels with a sulphur content of up to 1.0% • Outstanding engine cleanliness • Superior wear control • Excellent oxidation resistance
Viscosity at 40°C, mm²/s Viscosity at 100°C, mm²/s BN, mg KOH/g Flash point, °C Pour point, °C Density at 15°C, kg/m³ Shell Rimula R4 X 15W-40 109 14.7 10.5 230 –36 881 Shell Rimula R4 L 15W-40 115 15.5 10.0 227 –33 883 Shell Rimula R6 M 10W-40 83 13.2 13.0 256 –36 848 Shell Rotella T4 Triple Protection 15W-40 120 15.5 10.1 204 –36 879 Shell Rotella T3 Fleet 15W-40 115 15.5 10.0 227 –35 879 Shell Rotella T6 5W-40 87 14.2 10.6 224 –51 858


Kannu International


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Manish Kumar


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Shell Rimula R4 X 15W-40 Product Specification

Packaging Size
210 Litre
Engine Oil Type
Semi Synthetic
Vehicle Type
Vehicle Brand
Shell Rimula R4 X 15W-40
Country of Origin
Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity
209 Litre
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